Studienfahrt nach Kopenhagen 2012

Studienfahrt nach Kopenhagen 2012

Stadtentwicklung in Skandinavien

Program for City Link in Copenhagen the 19th and 20th of December

Du bist eingeladen, mit uns nach Kopenhagen zu kommen. Wir informieren uns bei unseren nördlichen Nachbarn über urbane Entwicklungen, die Impulse für den Oberhafen liefern können.

19th of December

7.00: Departure at Hamburg, Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp

14.00: Welcome to Prags Boulevard 43 (PB43) – a cultural and innovative user-driven hotspot in Copenhagen

14.30: Silence Lunch – a conceptual dinner where all guests wear hearing protection equipment and are forbidden to talk.

15.00: Walk and talk around PB43 – introduction to the place, its management, creative cooperation and various projects.

16.00: Coffee break at P-I-E (Post Industrial Explosion) – four containers together making up a mobile festival stage with a container bar. On daily basis used as music and film studios.

16.30: Launch of City Link Website

17.30: Talking Hour – different project people, organisations and artists from around Copenhagen talk about their projects and ways of cooperation.

18.30: Dinner with a special surprise hosted by Clay Fun.

19.30: Workshop – how can we develop a further cooperation between Hamburg and Copenhagen?

21.00: New Circus performance by TinCanCompany

21.30: Come together time – the rest of the evening in the woodshop, motorcycle sauna, art cinema, magic garden, chill out arena, and P-I-E will be open for talk, fun and networking.

20th of December

10.00: Walk and talk at Refshaleøen – an innovative artist collective in a private owned area.

12.00: Lunch

13.00: Walk and talk at KPH – a public funded project house.

15.00: Walk and talk at Bolsjefabrikken – a user-driven culture house.

ca. 23.00: back at Hamburg


Informationen zu unseren Gastgebern:


Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung bis 13. Dezember bei Ulrich Bildstein:, +49 172 4326082, begrenzte Platzzahl


Der Citylink Hamburg – Kopenhagen ist eine Initiative und wird möglich durch die Kulturbehörden in Hamburg und Kopenhagen, denen wir herzlich dafür danken.